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- The Secrets of the Mojave - Branton
- Letter From Unknown Source
- (September 1995)
- c/o Joshua Shapiro
- 9324 Home Court
- Des Plaines, IL 60016
- Dear Mr. Shapiro
- While broswing through the WWW Page "AREA 51 RESEARCH CENTER" recently (you
- may want to check it out if you have not already done so), I came across
- your UFO Theories and Cover-Up page, and noticed some of the early writings
- form the writer/researcher "Branton" therein.
- In that I am a personal aquaintance of "Branton", I thought that you might
- be interested in the NEW files that he has released (enclosed find one disk
- and a backup). Some of these files you may have already seen, but others I
- am certain will be new to you.
- Branton states that he is a "sleeper" agent for the CIA who was (possibly
- after stumbling on some information that he wasn't supposed to know)
- electronically induced with an alternative personality which was
- "programmed" to serve the CIA Black Projects and the Bavarian-Gray
- collective. In this alternate or "double life" he had access to several
- underground bases, and has apparently encountered several alien groups as
- well.
- When his "conscious" self began to awaken to the facts of this alternate
- existance (facts that were confirmed by others whom he knew), he began to
- investigate deeper and to expose the conspiracy against this planet in the
- best way that he knew how. He is not yet certain whether or ot his
- "alternate self" presently shares his conscious values.
- I have since learned that a great many people are involved in such "double"
- lives and have been programmed with alternate nocturnal personalities which
- "kick in" once they are in the presence of the aliens ... these inclue
- contactees who work with human "Federation" personnel, others who work with
- the "Ashtar" collective, and still others who are beingused by the "Gray"
- Empire in their continued efforts to infiltrate our society. Several of the
- "Montauk" crowd such as Preston Nichols, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron also
- claim that they had been programmed with alternate personalities during
- their work with the space-time and mind-control projects being carried out
- at Montauk Point, Long Island in the mid 1980's.
- Branton himself has a strong feeling that he was also involved with this
- project in some fashion. In 1985 when the Montauk Project was sabotaged and
- had ceased for a time, he was 25 years of age. This project is once again
- in full swing at Montauk, but everything has now been taken underground
- down into the 8-leveled subterranean facility there, which is being
- operatted jointly by the CIA, the (Nazi) Thule Scoeity, and the alien Grays
- and is to be a key operational base for the implementation of their "New
- World Order". This base has some connection with another base under the
- Archuleta mesa near Dulce, New Mexico where the Grays themselves have their
- underground headquarters.
- I hope that you find the encolsed information interesting. Unfortunately,
- due to my present position, I cannot reveal my onw name at this time.
- I wish you the best of success in your continual search for the TRUTH ...